Flower Garden Banks Mosaics (Jun 2015)

Note: the zoomify versions are shown in the web browser. The jpg versions are too big for most web browsers; right click and "save as" and open in something else. The GeoTIFF verions are .zip files and need to be downloaded, unzipped, then opened in your GIS. Note: the absolute coordinates for these GEOTiffs are off by quite a ways. I must have had the wrong coordinates for the buoy #3. They are correct relative to one another, and oriented (rotated) correctly, just shifted. Should be a constant offset to get them all back to the right place.

Dual SLR versions:

GoPro still image versions:

Multi-GoPro wide-area mosaic:

Sketch of pin locations:

Pin locations for each transect and locations of the various instruments deployed (ARM, CAU/BMU, STR) plotted as bearing and distance from the eyebolt of mooring buoy 3. (click on image for a larger version)