Graduated Students:

Yuntao Ge, "Measurement of inelastic scattering in the Ocean",Ph. D., Physics, 1993, currently in Industry in China.

Yi Liu,"Measurement of the Intensity and Polarization of Light in the Atmosphere", Ph.D., Physics, 1996, currently in Industry.

Chuanmin Hu, "In-situ Measurement of Inelastic Light Scattering in Natural Waters, Ph.D., Physics, 1997, currently Prof., University of South Florida

Ellsworth Judd Welton, "Measurements of Aerosol Optical Properties over the Ocean Using Sunphotometry and Lidar", (Ph.D., Physics, 1998), currently at GSFC/NASA.

Joseph Ritter, "Remote Measurement of Aerosol Scattering Properties and the Development of a Novel Imaging Solar Aureole Radiometer", Ph.D., Physics, 1999, currently at the University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy, Maui, Hawaii.

David Bates , “Lidar measurements of marine aerosols with improved analysis techniques”, Ph.D., Physics, 2003, currently at University of Hawaii, SOEST, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Hong Du, “ Comparison of lab based and solar reflectance based calibrations of Aureole camera”, Ph.D., Physics, 2004, currently at Univ. of Michigan.

Hao Zhang, “Bi-directional reflectance studies of prepared compact particulate surfaces“, Ph.D., Physics, 2004, currently at Research Center for Space Science and Technology, China.

Purushottam Bhandari, “The design of a polarimeer and its use for the study of the variation of downwelling polarized radiance distribution with depth in the ocean”, Ph.D., Physics, 2011.

Rudra Aryal, "Comparison of near surface and column-integrated atmospheric aerosol optical properties”, Ph.D., Physics 2012.

Rodrigo Delgadillo, “Cloud and aerosol optics by polarized micro-pulse lidar and ground based measurements of zenith radiance”,“Cloud and aerosol optics by polarized micro-pulse lidar and ground based measurements of zenith radiance”, Ph.D., Physics 2015.