Other publications (Bold have link to reprint):
[A35] G. Zibordi and K. J. Voss ,“In situ Optical radiometry in the visible and near infrared, in Optical Radiometry for Oceans Climate Measurements", Elsevier Physical Sciences Series, November, 2014.
[A34] G. Zibordi and K. J. Voss “Requirements and strategies for In Situ radiometry in Support of Satellite Ocean Color”, in Optical Radiometry for Oceans Climate Measurements, Elsevier Physical Sciences Series, November, 2014.
[A33] G. Zibordi and K. J. Voss, “Field Radiometry and Ocean Color Remote Sensing”, in Oceanography from Space, Barale, Gower, and Alberotanza ed., Springer, New York, 2010.
[A32] Zhang, H. and K. J. Voss, “Bi-directional reflectance measurements of closely packed natural and prepared particulate surfaces” in Light Scattering Reviews, Vol. 3, pgs. 279-327, 2008.
[A31] M. Yarbrough, S. J. Flora, M. E. Feinholz, T. Houlihan, Y. S. Kim, S. W. Brown, B. C. Johnson, K. J. Voss, and D. C. Clark, “Simultaneous measurement of up-welling spectral radiance using a fiber-coupled CCD spectrograph”, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2007.
[A30] E. Waluschka, K. J. Voss, D. Moyer, G. Meister, L. Liao, “VIIRS ZEMAX and FORTRAN polarization models”, Proc. Soc. Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2007.
[A29] N. Souaidia, D. Moyer, G. Meister, S. Pellicori, E. Waluschka, and K.
Voss, "MODIS Polarization ray tracing analysis, Proc. Soc.
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2005, 5888: 140-147.
[A28] C. P. Kuchinke, H. R. Gordon, and K. J. Voss, A
coupled oceanic and atmospheric spectral optimization algorithm for application
to ocean color satellites: sensitivity to near-infrared error, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2005, 5656: 92-103.
[A27] H. Zhang and K. J. Voss, Comparison of measured and modeled
BRDF and Transmission of prepared particulate layers, Proceedings
of Ocean Optics XVII, 2004, 14 pgs.
[A26] K. J. Voss and A. Chapin, A new upwelling radiance distribution
camera system , NuRADS, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVII, 2004, 14 pgs.
[A25] K. J. Voss and R. Austin, An instrumental history of the
Scripps Visibility Laboratory, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVI, 2002, 6 pgs.
[A24] J. Prentice, A. D. Weidemann, W. S. Pegau, K. J. Voss, M. Lee, E. Shybanov,
O. Martynov, A Laux, A. Briggs, G. Chang, Laboratory Comparisons of Optical
scattering instrumentation, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XVI, 2002, 2pgs.
[A23] H. Zhang, K. J. Voss, and E. Louchard, Determining
the influential depth for surface reflectance of sediment by BRDF measurements, Proceedings
of Ocean Optics XVI, 2002, 12pgs.
[A22] C. D. Mobley, L. Sundman, H. Zhang, and K. J. Voss, Effects
of optically shallow bottoms on water-leaving radiances, Proceedings of Ocean Optics
XV, 2000, 10
[A21] J. P. Doyle and K. J. Voss, 3D Instrument Self-Shading
Effects on in-water multidirectional radiance measurements, Proceedings of Ocean Optics XV, 2000,
10 pgs.
[A20] K. J. Voss, H. Zhang, and A. Chapin, Bi-directional
reflectance distribution functions (BRDF) of Benthic Surfaces in the Littoral
Zone, Proceedings of Ocean
Optics XV, 2000, 6 pgs.
[A19] K. J. Voss, Physics of low light level detectors, for Methods in Enzymology,
Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, Vol. 35, Part C, T. O. Baldwin and M.
M. Ziegler Eds., pgs 53 61, Academic Press, 2000.
[A18] K. J. Voss and B. J. Frew, Aspects of the Point
Spread Function in the Coastal Zone, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation,
1997, 2963: 566-569.
[A17] C. Hu and K. J. Voss, Solar stimulated inelastic light
scattering in clear sea water, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,
1997, 2963: 266-271.
[A16] K. J. Voss and Y. Liu, Polarized radiance distribution
measurements of skylight for passive remote sensing of aerosol optical properties, OSA
Technical digest Series, 1997, Vol. 5 pp. 97 - 99.
[A15] K. D. Moore, K. J. Voss, and H. G. Gordon, Whitecaps:
Spectral reflectance in the open ocean and their contribution to water leaving
radiance , Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1997, 2963: 246-251.
[A14] K. J. Voss and S. Ackleson, Ocean Optics Revisited, Optics
and Photonics News, 1996, 7, No. 11, 31-36.
[A13] K. A.. Kilpatrick, W. M. Balch, Y. Ge, and K. J. Voss, A
photometer for the continuous measurement of Calcite-dependent light scatter
in seawater, Proc.
Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1994, 2258: 512 - 521.
[A12] K. J. Voss and R. A. Maffione, Estimate of the average
cosine for the radiance distribution resulting from a point source in the ocean, Proc.
Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1994, 2258: 256 - 263.
[A11] K. J. Voss and A. L. Chapin, Next generation in-water
radiance distribution camera system, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers, 1992, 1750: 384-387.
[A10] Y. Ge, K. J. Voss, and H. R. Gordon, Measurement of oceanic
inelastic scattering using solar Fraunhofer lines, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical
Engineers, 1992, 1750: 161-169.
[A9] K. J. Voss, Variation of the point spread function in
the Sargasso Sea. Underwater
Imaging, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1991, 1537: 97-103.
[A8] J. W. Giles and K. J. Voss, Submerged reflectance measurements
as a function of visible wavelength, Underwater Imaging. Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers, 1991, 1537: 140-146.
[A7] B. Macdonald, W. S. Helliwell, J. Sanborn, and K. J. Voss, Detector Perturbation of Ocean Radiance Measurements, Underwater Imaging.
Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1991, 1537: 104-114.
[A6] K. J. Voss, Variability of the point spread function in
the water column, Ocean
Optics X. Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1990, 1302: 355-362.
[A5] W. S. Helliwell, B. Macdonald, G. N. Sullivan, and K. J. Voss, Ship Shadowing:
model and data comparisons. Ocean Optics X. Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical
Instrumentation Engineers, 1990, 1302: 55-71.
[A4] C. C. Trees and K. J. Voss, Optoacoustic spectroscopy
and its application to molecular and particle absorption, Ocean Optics
X. Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1990, 1302: 149-156.
[A3] K. J. Voss, Radiance distribution measurements in coastal
Ocean Optics IX, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1988,
925: 56-66.
[A2] K. J. Voss, J. W. Nolten, and G. D. Edwards, Ship Shadow effects on apparent
optical properties. Ocean Optics VIII, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers, 1986, 637: 186-190.
[A1] E. S. Fry and K. J. Voss, Mueller Matrix measurements
of ocean water, Ocean
Optics VII, Proc. Soc. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1985, 489: