September 22-23, 2008

Weather:  No sampling in the morning.  Sky clear above ship at 12:00, but clouds on all horizons.  Calm and cool with almost no waves at water surface.  Sky clear at 17:00 local, but wind gradually increasing as well as small wind waves.  Data collected through sunset.

Instrumentation used:  Sky camera system was run from 19:45 GMT – 02:00 GMT (September 23, 2008).  Images were taken in cycles that took 1 image with each appropriate spectral filter and polarizer combination.  A typical cycle took about 6 minutes to complete and cycles were started every 15 minutes. 

DPOL instrument was run from 19:45 GMT – 00:00 GMT and 00:45 GMT – 02:00 GMT (September 23, 2008) sampling downwelling light.  DPOL data was collected at a depth of 30 meters from 19:45 GMT – 20:30 GMT, then at 23 meters depth from 20:45 GMT – 21:45 GMT, then at 15 meters from 22:00 GMT – 23:00 GMT, then at 10 meters from 23:15 GMT – 00:00 GMT (September 23, 2008), then at 5 meters from 00:45 GMT – 1:30 GMT (September 23, 2008), then at 1 meter from 01:45 GMT – 02:00 GMT (September 23, 2008).  Images from this instrument were taken in cycles that consisted of 1 image with each spectral filter and then that sequence was looped 5 times.  Cycles took about 12 minutes to complete and cycles were started every 15 minutes corresponding with the sky camera cycles.  DPOL is now on face boom right underneath sky camera system.  Had some issues with the pressure sensor not working at the end of the day.  Had to disable it for the last couple of data cycles.

Microtops sunphotometers were also taken every 15 minutes corresponding to the previous 2 instruments’ sampling schedule.  The microtops were taken from 20:00 GMT – 01:30 GMT (September 23, 2008).

Sky File Summary (Excel file)
Image movie between 1945 and 2200, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie

Image movie between 2200 and 0000, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie

Image movie between 0000 and 0100, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie

Image movie between 0100 and end, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie