Ocean BRDF measurement and effects
With NASA support, starting in the era of MODIS Terra, we developed a new instrument to measure the upwelling radiance distribution at the surface (NuRADS). The aim of this instrument was to determine the variation in the upwelling radiance, right below the surface. The application was for validating models of this angular variation of the upwelling lightfield. While we are still continuing this effort, many papers have already been written on this effort. A list of the papers to date are shown below:

Y.Fan, W. Li, K. J. Voss, C. K. Gatebe, K. Stamnes, “Neural network method to correct bidirectional effects in water-leaving radiance”, Applied Optics, 55, 10-21 (2016).

A.C.R. Gleason, K. J. Voss, H. R. Gordon, M. Twardowski, J. Sullivan, C. Trees, A. Weidemann, J-F. Berthon, D. Clark, and Z-P. Lee, “Detailed validation of the bidirectional effect in various Case I and Case II waters”, Optics Express, 20, 7630 – 7645 (2012).

Z. Lee, K. Du, K. J. Voss, G. Zibordi, B. Lubac, R. Arnone, and A. Weidemann, “An IOP-centered approach to correct the angular effects in water-leaving radiance”, Applied Optics, 50, 3155-3167 (2011).

K. J. Voss, A. Morel, and D. Antoine, “Detailed validation of the bidirectional effect in various Case 1 waters for application to ocean color imagery”, Biogeosciences, 4, 781-789 (2007).

K. J. Voss and A. L. Chapin, “Upwelling radiance distribution camera system, NURADS”, Optics Express, 2005, 13: 4250 – 4262.

K. J. Voss, C. D. Mobley, L. K. Sundman, J. Ivey, and C. Mazell, “The spectral upwelling radiance distribution in optically shallow waters”, Limnol. and Oceanogr, 2003, 48: 364-373.