September 9-10, 2008
Weather: Overcast with thick marine layer in the morning clearing by 14:00 local. No data collected during morning. Afternoon was clear with only a thin marine haze on horizon. Full sun with shadows visible. Winds increasing all afternoon to almost 20 knots by sunset.
Instrumentation used: Sky camera system was run from 23:00 GMT – 02:15 GMT (September 10, 2008). Images were taken in cycles that took 1 image with each appropriate spectral filter and polarizer combination. A typical cycle took about 6 minutes to complete and cycles were started every 15 minutes. Microtops sunphotometers were also taken every 15 minutes corresponding to the previous 2 instruments’ sampling schedule. The microtops were taken from 16:00 GMT – 01:45 GMT (September 10, 2008).
Filenames: 090908-225906-442 to 091008-014502-855
-total of 396 images taken
-resulting in 96 pdf files generated (A pdf file contains the result of one series of 4 images taken with 1 spectral filter and 3 different polarizers).
Sky File Summary (Excel file)
Image movie between 2259 and 0000, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie
Image movie between 0000 and 0100, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie