January 17, 2008

Weather:  Mostly sunny, more info later

Instrumentation used:  Skycam was run from 17:15 GMT – 00:33 GMT (Jan.18, 2008).  Images were taken in cycles that consisted of 1 image with each spectral filter and corresponding polarization filter. Cycles were taken every 15 minutes for the most part during sampling times. On Pier a block was used to occult the sun.

Microtops sunphotometers were also taken during the sky measurement period.

Sky File Summary (Excel file)
Image movie between 1715 and 2000, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie

Image movie between 2000 and 2200, movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie

Image movie between 2200 and 0000 (9/9/09), movies exclude "bad" catagory
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie

Image movie between 0000 and end(1/18/08), movies exclude "bad" catagory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwr5VzAezGY
Text files for above movie
Full data images for above movie